Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Trying to Find a Balance

After reading the article on Girl Power (sadly with no mention of my Spice Girls) I agree with what the author says. The quest to find a proper identity has been well documented through the annals of time, I deal with it in every college English class I have ever taken. From what we've primarily been reading, most of the leaders in web 2.0 technology are male. Which should not be suprising, because when you think of a computer nerd, you don't exactly think of hot chicks (I think of the stereotypical Star Trek fan, glasses and he likes to play Dungeons and Dragons...not to say that there is anything wrong with that, but, oh forget it). The point I am eventually getting at is that I read in the article that it says that "Girls received less attention in the classroom than boys and less encouragement for their efforts" (Brown).

But with technology today, I feel that the attention will be more centered. Because, at least from my experiences, the girls in my classes are much more creative and writing-oriented than the competitive boys I've seen. In a class room where blogging becomes a part of daily routine, I feel that girls may even receive the upper hand. The playing field, as Friedman says, is being leveled. There will certainly be competition, perhaps even more so, but it won't be as unfair as it may have been in the past.

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