Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tomorrow I am Eating a Breakfast of Champions

I just saw this tonight. Not that I was a personal friend or anything, but I feel a little saddened because I found out that Kurt Vonnegut, authors of two of my favorite books, passed away tonight. Here's the complete article. If you haven't read any of his works, do yourself a favor and borrow "Slaughterhouse Five" from the library or a friend. It's truly an amazing work of literature; it combines satire, humor, science fiction and even time travel in a humorous but ultimately sobering look at the effects of war. Another book that I've read of his was "Breakfast of Champions". It was slightly less cohesive, but still an entertaining and biting satire. So yeah, do yourself a favor and read his books, or at least check him out on wikipedia; it's almost as good as the real thing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris, I share your grief at Vonnegut's death. I have been a fan for decades. It doesn't seem possible that he's gone!!

I think you'd like "Cat's Cradle":

Anonymous said...

Now that URL is ridiculous. Sorry. Am I able to use code in a comment on Blogger to make that link live?

CHARITY said...

wow, my dad will crushed about that too. He loves Vonnegut. I will have to borrow his book Slaughterhouse-Five" and try to read it now after the praise you guys give it. thanks, more added to my long list of books I have to read :D

Jo Tutko said...

The Pool of good living authors is more shallow after Thrusday's tradgey.

What I liked the most about his style, other than the humanist stand point and sense of humor, was how the most obscure detail added to the relivance of the overall story.

Time Quake is also a good read once you are acquainted with Kilgore Trout.