Tuesday, February 27, 2007

RSS: Really Stellar Soup

The RSS feeds are something we have been using for awhile that I didn't even know about. The benefits of RSS feeds are, I think, very valuable to both teacher and student. By being updated on the newest and most relevant information on one website makes keeping track of all of your different sources viable. One use of the RSS feeds in the classroom is exactly what we did in our class. Set up a bloglines.com account and then suscribe to a variety of content. By becoming familiar with the process of subscription, students will then branch out on their own and find new things and learn new information constantly, without having to be prompted. Another use could be to have your students follow the blog of a certain person, probably a politician that they are interested in. Hopefully this person blogs often and then the students can see the usefulness of RSS' automatic updates in action and how useful it is not to have to search for new content all the time, for it is done for you. A third way to use RSS feeds is to suscribe to a news source (say CNN) and if you are not a big television watcher or don't read the paper much, then you will automatically be subscribed to the latest news information without having to leave your computer.


Kris Mark said...

First off, I like the title ou made for your post. (haha)

I like the ideas you suggested for using RSS in the classroom. I particularly like RSS Feeds simply because of the endless things you can find and be updated about because of it. I never thought to use one for something such as the news, like you said, CNN. Thanks for the ideas!

CHARITY said...

I like your new twist on what RSS stands for too. LOL cute! when I did the reading on this, I realized we are already doing this with bloglines so it made me feel better, that i am already half way there and seeing the advantages of it. I just have to set up a few more feeds such as the news and stuff. I subscribe to Will's blog too. I just have to get in the habit of going to it, but lately that is the first thing I go to online lately... it simplified everything so well!

Brian Callaghan said...

RSS feeds are quite important for controlling classrooms studies. The web is such an open space that finding the information can become both tedious and boring. With an RSS feed the confusion is subsided for a efficiently moving machine guiding your way through information with ease. I agree with your stance on television and RSS feeds. Televisions is becoming dated due to program schedules and the news is up the second on the web open as soon as it happens, so with an RSS feed you can find out all the happenings pretty much as they happen.

Anonymous said...

Good thinking Chris. All of these uses of the RSS feed customize your content. In this information glut, that's a huge help to all of us.