Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Machine is Using Us for Us

I just watched that video on Youtube and I thought it was rather cool. What struck me about it, is that it corresponds with everything we have been learning in our class and it makes sense. The way that we are publishing our thoughts and ideas is so much different then it was twenty, hell, five years ago. The fact that we are indeed using technology that was potentially scary to make our lives easier is incredible. We can publish our thoughts and people will read them. People can respond to our thoughts by clicking a button. No need for phone calls or text messages or even telling the person face-to-face what you think. Web 2.0 is radically changing the way we operate as people with something to say. I know this horse has been beaten dead a long time ago, but I feel that it's still worth repeating.

In other news, our Wiki is up. We had a meeting yesterday and got a lot accomplished. I like the fact that we, as students (as compared to professional educators) now have the opportunity to educate our peers and others in Web 2.0. So check it out and make any edits or changes that you want to, as long as it's correct and impartial!

1 comment:

Karen Stearns said...

Chris, the wiki looks good. Thanks for putting the URL up for us. Not folks have got to get editing!!

So far no one had edited Friedman's name in the original post!!

How about adding some other pp. in addition to the authors' pages. What do you think?